[Pre-180, My SJI Days] Sports at SJI

Although I enjoy sports, but it always took a little bit of effort for me to run a total of 4km or something. But I was glad that during my time in SJI, I got to try out many different 'sports' like dancing, personal protection, floorball and even running during our annual cross country! :)

Cross Country 2015
Cross Country 2015

Cross Country 2015

Cross Country 2015

Cross Country 2014

I even got finisher medals for the two cross country I'd participated during my two JC years. :D

Cross Country 2014 (left) & 2015 (right) medals
And I've even gotten a medal for attaining second place for floorball inter-house game along with my Lawrence fraternity house mates. :) A photograph of my house by the way. :)

Floorball Inter-house Game 2014
