[Pre-180, My School Days] Learning Japanese at SJI Japanese Club (JCC) with Yoko-San

During my days as a member of SJI JCC, I got to learn some simple Japanese from our Japanese teacher, Yoko-san. She was the one who taught me how to count and converse basic 'Konichiwa' and etc. in Japanese. Really grateful to her as I could now speak some Japanese with her help. :)

But just for a feel, here's how to count in Japanese:

0 零 (rei) 〇 (zero) 〇 (nuru) 零番目 (reibanme) 〇番目 (zerobanme) 〇番目 (nurubanme)

1 一 (ichi) 一つ (hitotsu) 一つ目 (hitotsume) 一番目 (ichibanme)

2 二 (ni) 二つ (futatsu) 二つ目 (futatsume) 二番目 (nibanme)

3 三 (san) 三つ (mittsu) 三番目 (sanbanme) 三つ目 (mittsume)

4 四 (shi/yon) 四つ (yottsu) 四番目 (yonbanme) 四つ目 (yottsume)

5 五 (go) 五つ (itsutsu) 五番目 (gobanme) 五つ目 (itsutsume)

6 六 (roku) 六つ (muttsu) 六番目 (rokubanme) 六つ目 (muttsume)

7 七 (shichi/nana) 七つ (nanatsu) 七番目 (nanabanme) 七つ目 (nanatsume)

8 八 (hachi) 八つ (yattsu) 八番目 (hachibanme) 八つ目 (yattsume)

9 九 (kyū/ku)

And here's how to write in the Japanese written language, Hiragana:

Had a great time learning Japanese. :)
