[Pre-180, My SJI Days] Watching a Korean Drama (aka Reply 1997) with my Korea Club Friends

On a week with lots of Further Oral Activities (FOAs) to work on, our KCC friends decided to have a drama screening session for that week's club activity to allow members to relax and enjoy while learning more about the use of Korean language in dramas.

As such, we watched Reply 1997 (starring A-pink’s Jung Eun Ji and Seo In Guk), which was a big hit in South Korea back in year 2012-2013. The all-hit drama features how the main characters grow up, from young adolescents (aka 18 year olds) to adults, through their experiences with their first love, first job and more.

Reply 1997, or more commonly known as '97' to native Korean viewers, is only humorous, but also makes use of the Korean Busan and Seoul accent, which is also something that we had noticed. The Busan accent is much more muffled than the Seoul dialect, which is much clearer. It also requires a lot more ‘tongue rolling’ work to create the Busan accent. I personally quite like the Busan accent as it is more expressive :)

It's, great as usual to learn about languages through dramas. :D
