#9 [Be a Space Lover, Be an Astronaut] Chatting with my favourite astronaut, Naoko Yamazaki of JAXA

My favourite astronaut is Naoko Yamazaki, a Japanese astronaut from Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA). Having flown to the International Space Station (ISS) in Space Shuttle Mission STS-131 (Year 2010), she is both the second Japanese woman to fly in space, and the last one to fly to space via the Space Shuttle, before the fleet's retirement in 2011. 
Naoko Yamazaki, Mission Specialist of Space Shuttle Mission STS-131 (Credits to spacemen1969.blogspot.com)

Crew of STS-131 (Credits to www.nasa.gov)
While you could've thought that it's her experience that inspired me the most, but I beg to differ. I really look up to Naoko for being a woman who fought for her dreams in such a male-dominated career field. And, while gender bias is clearing up in Asia, some fundamental gender imbalance still occurs. I applaud Naoko's courage in chasing her dreams to become a female Asian astronaut, despite it being one that is highly 'unachievable' in our cultural and geographical context. 

I was really so inspired by Naoko, that I picked up my courage to send her a Facebook message to ask for her advice in pursuing my dreams of being the first Singaporean astronaut! :D I initially thought that Naoko might not reply given her busy work schedule, but Naoko actually took the time to reply my messages, had even added me as a Facebook friend! :D 

Every now and then we would chat a little about space, and Naoko will always encourage me to pursue my dreams. So recently I asked Naoko if I could do a short post on her, which she gladly agreed to my pleasant surprise. :D So I thought I shall share a screenshot of her encouraging me, and even wishing me Happy Birthday on my 18th birthday! :D

Being wished Happy Birthday from my favourite astronaut! :D

Words of encouragement from Naoko. :D

Words of encouragement from Naoko. :D
Thank you Naoko for being my role model, And all the best! :D Will love to be in the suit up room wearing the pumpkin suit one day. :)

Ps: Naoko even rooted for our blog! :D
Thank you Naoko for all the encouragement! :D 
