[Pre-180, My SJI Day, Learn a New Language] Learning of Korean through Flashcards

During my JC years, I was involved in the planning of activities for our SJI Korea Club (KCC). And in early January 2015, I decided that since the JC2s would be leaving KCC in about two months time, we would learn some Korean (together) during one of our January club sessions. This decision was, gladly supported by the club members, as most of us wanted to learn some Korean together before we graduate as full-pledge Korean enthusiasts! :D

As such, I looked up on the internet for some interactive flashcards that teaches some simple Korean phrases. The flashcards were quite effective and all of us managed to learn a few Korean phrases such as 'Oppa' for big brother, 'Unnie' for elder sister, and 'pogoshipo' as 'I miss you'. More phrases can be seen from the pictures below. Photo credits to various sources.

That sums up pretty much of the short one-hour session, where we finally got to gather some time to learn Korean together before graduating from the club! :)
