[Pre-180, Be a Culture Lover, My SJI Days] Visiting Korea Festival 2014 as SJI Korea Club (KCC) Representatives (Part 4: Running Man Game Booth)

(continued from Part 3) As Iswarya and I adjourn to the Etude House booth to continue our cosmetic exploration, we popped by the Running Man game booth. So I thought shall write a short post here on what I had found. :D

The booth had games ranging from soccer to strength testing, which costed around ($3-$5). The area set for the booth was quite big and had multiple posters featuring the Running Man Logo. While the logos did remind me of the Running Man show, the games, on the flipside, seem a little off somewhere. I was expecting something like a tag game where playing members get to tear off one another's name tags to eliminate them from a 'tag-and-chase' game filled with challenging missions. Nonetheless, this seemed like a good find, :D

Stay tuned to Part 5 as we continue our cosmetics exploration journey at Etude House's booth! :D
